The INTERPOL was established as the International Criminal Police Commission (ICPC) in 1923 with headquarters in Vienna. During World War II, the ICPC gained infamous reputation having fallen under NAZI control. The ICPC helped NAZI German to found Jewish people around the world who could flee from Hitler regime and sent them back to inevitable death. The damage for reputation was so grave that at the end of the war, the ICPC had to be rebranded into INTERPOL and was relocated to Paris, and in 1989 to Lyon in France where it still exists.

However, nowadays a justifiability of the Red Notices issued by the INTERPOL upon the alleged criminal fugitives is still generally not reliable and hardly depends on the internal political system and national courts' ability to act independently in those country members who initiated the next notice issuance.
Meanwhile, the solidness of the INTERPOL has compensated with Hollywood movies in which the INTERPOL is portrayed as some organization like superior international police with many officers looking around, investigating cases and crimes, and arresting the most dangerous fugitives around the world.
By the way, just looking at the total INTERPOL's annual budget in 2019 that was $165.5 million it becomes clearer that the Hollywood fame entailing the INTERPOL is pretty exaggerated. To understand it better, I would compare the INTERPOL budget with annual budgets of the New York or Los Angeles Police Departments, which is about 10,5-11 billion each. So, the budget of the only one of the US city Police Department is 60 times bigger than budget of the INTERPOL. Several previous scandals of financing INTERPOL by private means also arose a lot of questions about corruption within the INTERPOL.